5 Safety Tips for Back-to-School Driving


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Summertime adventures are coming to an end and the kids are getting ready to go back to school to start the next year – and so are all the bus drivers. When you’re hitting the road on the first day of school, keep these tips in mind for a safe ride.

1. Get in the zone

Whenever you’re driving near a school, make sure you stay aware. The speed limits that are set in place inside a school zone are to keep children and pedestrians safe. You may even see that a radar sign has been set up to show your current speed as you drive. Remember, slow down!

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2. Watch for crossing guards

When you see a crossing guard approach the road wearing a brightly coloured vest and raising a stop sign, that means that you need to come to a complete stop and allow children to safely cross. Once the children have crossed and the crossing guard has returned to the side of the road, then you may proceed with caution.

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3. Beware of school buses

Seeing a school bus on your morning commute means you need to keep a safe distance behind it and prepare to stop frequently. When the yellow lights on the bus start flashing, they’re warning other drivers to stop, slow down no matter which side of the road you’re on. Once the red lights flash and the stop sign comes out, your vehicle needs to come to a complete stop to allow the bus to board. Once the lights stop flashing, the sign retracts and the bus starts moving, you’re safe to carefully pick up speed. Keep an eye out for any stragglers that may have just missed the bus!

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4. Keep your eyes peeled

Kids move quickly and they aren’t always as mindful about traffic as we’d like them to be. Make sure to keep an eye out for children who are riding their bikes, waiting to cross the street or are getting out of cars. Be prepared to drive slowly and to stop suddenly if needed.

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5. Be a good role model

Set a good example for your kids when you drive them to school, their friends’ houses and everywhere in between. Follow the rules of the road and take your time to get to point A to B without driving aggressively. Last, but not least, do not drive distracted. Distracted driving is not only dangerous, but you could potentially teach your children to pick up that habit when the time comes for them to learn how to drive.

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We hope you had a fantastic summer break and you’re ready for another great school year.